Reverto restores Marketo Person data that was overwritten in the past 90 days. If you can see the Data Value Change in the Activity Log, Reverto can restore it automatically for all affected records.
Configure the source, the date range and the affected fields. For each of the fields, you can indicate what the bad values are, and whether all existing values can be overwritten.
The dry run tells you what changes will be made in the restore process. If something needs to be changed, update your configuration and review the updated dry run.
Happy with the dry run? Start the restore process and Reverto will mass-restore your data values in Marketo. It also generates a detailed log file with all the changes that were made.
The examples below illustrate what type of data issues can be fixed by Reverto. This is not an exhaustive list. Almost any data value change that is visible in the Activity Log can be reverted.
Privacy and security are Reverto’s highest priority. Reverto downloads Person and Activity data from Marketo to be able to restore your data. The Person information includes the Marketo Person ID, email address and the current values of the fields that were overwritten by bad data. The Activity information includes "Data Value Changes" for the period in which the bad data entered the system for the fields that were affected by the bad data. Once the restore is complete, this data will be deleted and no personal information from your Marketo instance will remain on our systems.
While you are using Reverto, we are securing every step of the process. That means that data transmission is done over secure channels (HTTPS) and that sensitive data is stored in an encrypted fashion.
Our extensive experience with complex restore processes will ensure a quick and successful restore project. We currently have introductory pricing available. Please contact us for a quote and any questions that you may have.
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